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What new Canadians say ...

"Add a testimonial and showcase positive feedback from a happy client or customer."

Radi from Bulgaria


Moving countries comes with an abundance of new opportunities and challenges. It can feel overwhelming, but there is a lot of help and support available. In recent years Canada has welcomed hundreds of thousands of immigrants annually, so you are not alone in your experience! The Canadian government provides services to help people settle into their new lives in Canada. These can include language learning, job seeking, help setting up children with school and building community connections.

More information on Newcomer Services can be found HERE


When you are ready to join the Canadian workforce, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with your rights as an employee. Canadian laws protect every worker in Canada, and that includes foreign workers. Most employers are governed by provincial law, and some are through federally regulated companies. Regardless, there are employment conditions for hours of work, payment of wages, vacations, holidays and more.

Read more about your rights as an employee here, and Canadian federal labour standards hereProvincial regulation can be found here.

Get a work  permit

It's important to only work with legal status in Canada, so first step is to get your work permit! There are many different types of work permits including company transfer, spousal work permit, LMIA based and even permits for vulnerable workers who need to leave their employer. Read about your rights in the workplace here!

Get a SIN

In order to work in Canada you will require a Social Insurance Number (SIN). This is a unique and very private number provided by the government that employers will need. It is not a number your should share outside of your employment as it can lead to identity theft if in the wrong hands. It is your responsibility to protect your SIN. Read more about how to get your Social Insurance Number here!

Know the market

It's important to take a realistic look at the market and how and where you can expect to fit in. some skills are easily transferable, but employers may want to see a little more than what you are bringing. Furthering your education can help, but there are short, more affordable options as well. Things like Coursera courses can show initiative and training that may match what the company is looking for 

Adjust resume

A great step to take before applying for jobs is to "Canadianize" your resume. Reach out to a professional resume writer who is familiar with Canadian style, or spend some research to find out what employers are looking for. Having an education assessment can also help assure employers of your qualifications as well as show initiative that you have researched what the job requires and can fulfill it. We offer more job searching tips on our tiktok - follow us for more here!


If you are new to Canada you will benefit greatly by building your network. Watch for industry-specific networking events through groups such as meetup or Eventbrite. Reach out to headhunters, recruiters, or employment agencies. Don't be shy to reach out to people in your industry, look for networking events or volunteer your time in a related activity. Being open to a temporary role that is not your job goal may offer Canadian reference to your work ethic and reliability. It's not always easy to walk immediately into your dream job, but there are lots of opportunities - the more people you know the more likely you are to find them!


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Choosing where to live in Canada is no small task. There are nine provinces and three territories, each with their own unique identity. Whether its culture, climate, budget, nature or community, there is a lot to take into consideration! Click a province or territory to find information on that region, the immigration programs available, and a link to the provincial/territorial website.

Explore Canadian Provinces and Territories

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